Our Company have been created to support:

Marine Equipment

Selected instruments with sensors according to the type of survey area. Our core Engineers provide the right tools according to the project details.

Instruments and accesories

Our experience in configuring instruments & protocol NEMA-0183/0185 with diverse software for collecting survey data, Geophysical instruments, Beacons, ECDIS system, radar ARPA, AIS VTS monitoring system, etc. is based on our implementation and development of past projects worldwide

There are major changes of technology in many survey equipment with software products impacting in the Hydrographic products & results. Our project division team will support your Geophysical, Survey & Trenching team, including the Hydrographic and Cartographic departments to generate products and grow efficiently. By providing updated products in your country the vessels will benefit their customers with accurate data while having a safe sailing under the IMO SOLAS convention for life protection at sea